2023-06-01 Say hello to yard work Thursday
Thu 01 Jun 2023 02:59:17 PM CDT
I delineated a mulch area with some stones found in thick overgrowth in a part of the backyard we've not yet addressed, filled it with mulch, and <transitions to the marriage portion of the sentence> learned I needed to move one of the stone walls - which of course didn't play out in the "you *just*.." way it was explained to me it would/should go.
Transplanted a large hosta, filled a delineated-but-without-stone area out front with mulch, swept a bunch of maple seeds from lawn-chair-inhabited spaces, watered a bunch of stuff, put tools away, and awaiting one end of the backyard becoming sufficiently soaked that I can move the sprinkler and hop in the shower.
All that without employing so much as a single dopamine triggering/addicting device!
(While attempting to type the above my wife told me eight ways to Sunday that Hunter Biden is *allegedly* even more vile than experts on Hunter Biden Vileness first thought.)
Okay. Time to move the sprinkler. Laterz!