
2023-06-03 The one thing you can always count on

2023-06-03 Everything's simple until it aren't

2023-06-02 Typing seems easier today

2023-06-02 This Friday feels way too much like a Saturday

2023-06-02 Vimwiki looks wonderful, but....

2023-06-02 Is it live, or is it AIREX?

2023-06-01 Say hello to yard work Thursday

2023-06-01 Let's not be pitying the web, now

2023-05-31 Seriously? Last day 'o May already?

2023-05-30 My online experience would have been so much less without cURL

2023-05-30 Good morning, Geminam!

2023-05-29 A couple comments

2023-05-28 What is the sound of an entry falling in the Gemini woods with no browser reading it?

2023-05-28 Just a wee bit on the groggy side

2023-05-27 Love is all I need

2023-05-26 The endless jerking of knees

2023-05-26 Don't you love them, madly

2023-05-26 I'm pretty sure Gemini found me

2023-05-25 I can't think of a title

2023-05-24 It could have been so simple

2023-05-23 Tuesday morn

2023-05-22 Sleepy morning

2023-05-21 I dream of GEnie

2023-05-20 Hello others

2023-05-19 Hello, it's me

2023-05-19 Thank you very much technology

2023-05-19 Calling your own bluff

2023-05-18 Multiple cheers for ew0k

2023-05-18 But maybe it's just me?

2023-05-18 Here we go again

2023-05-18 The online hoax

2023-05-17 Coming up on noon

2023-05-17 And all of a sudden it's Wednesday

2023-05-16 Slightly around the Gemini horn

2023-05-16 Ruminations on self

2023-05-15 Moving right along

2023-05-15 Re: CircaDian: Who Likes The Likers

2023-05-15 Here we go 'round the Gemini bush

2023-05-15 Holy shit it's Monday

2023-05-14 Re: CircaDian: Who Likes The Likers

2023-05-14 All mental is illness

2023-05-13 The Zeroeth Commandment

2023-05-13 Just one last IDE comment (WARNING: dad joke zone)

2023-05-13 When reading is a joy regardless the topic

2023-05-12 So simple

2023-05-12 Riding the IDE threads wave

2023-05-11 Re: Lightjammer feed: - Re: "Dev Nullification"

2023-05-11 Re: Rob S: Two Energy Crises

2023-05-11 Dev nullification

2023-05-10 Re: CircaDian: No Buses All Morning

2023-05-10 Loud and less clear

2023-05-09 Here's a bit of insanity for ya

2023-05-09 Re: Gemini's Killer App

2023-05-09 Miraculous, indeed!

2023-05-08 Re: JeanG3nie: I'd rather be Ferrari than Ford

2023-05-08 Why not 'inquiry'?

2023-05-08 Keeping off the network grass

2023-05-07 Re: StackSmith: YouTube Ads

2023-05-07 Leave it to software to accurately reflect what too many others are

2023-05-07 Some Septembers are a lot longer than others

2023-05-06 The thoughts come marching two by two

2023-05-06 On the count of three

2023-05-05 Hello, it's me

2023-05-05 Moving right along

2023-05-05 Woke up, fell out of bed

2023-05-04 I me mine

2023-05-03 Gobs and gobs of gobs and gobs

2023-05-03 Best viewed in monospaced font

2023-05-02 What a day for a post dream

2023-04-30 Leaving hardly a where-are-my-people stone unturned

2023-04-30 When family falls far too short

2023-04-29 Hello, world

2023-04-28 Again-member-ing

2023-04-28 It's dark this early Friday morning

2023-04-27 Three and a half cheers

2023-04-26 It's become a somber kind of a day

2023-04-26 Every day she takes a morning bath, she wets her hair

2023-04-25 This, that, and otherness

2023-04-24 Here we go round the tech failure bush

2023-04-23 Hiding in the clear

2023-04-23 Try, try again

